Time recording smartphone
Modern time recording on the move with the ClickTime mobile app. Everything you need is included, such as time recording, duty scheduling, order planning, expenses, etc.
Modern time recording on the move with the ClickTime mobile app. Everything you need is included, such as time recording, duty scheduling, order planning, expenses, etc.
All time recording functions can be done on the smartphone. Working hours, absences, holiday applications, recording of project work and balance queries. The scope of the permitted functions can be set individually per employee or employee group.
Sometimes it has to be very simple. At the touch of a button, working time can be started and stopped or selected projects can be called up directly based on templates.
In addition to working hours, expenses can also be recorded directly with the smartphone. In this way, the expenses are recorded directly on the road and everything is done in the evening. Existing receipts are simply photographed and added to the expense entry.
Anyone who is assigned to the duty or shift schedule can see the current status of their personal weekly schedule at any time. In addition, the schedule of the entire team is also displayed as an overview, so that everyone is informed. In addition, appointments or further information on the shifts are also displayed.
In order planning, each employee's orders are displayed daily, where a lot of information about the order can also be accessed. Comments and pictures can also be entered directly on the smartphone and added to the order. Once the order is finished, the status of the order can be changed to completed directly on the smartphone.
If the supervisor is on the road or abroad, he or she can still view and approve holidays and other requests for absences from employees on the smartphone. This means that nothing is left undone and the requests are processed immediately.
Plan the deployment of your employee teams for the coming weeks and months for the required presence times and deployment locations. Transfer the planned times to time recording. Employees receive the always up-to-date schedules and deployment information directly on their smartphone.
The gardener, the carpenter, the plumber, the electrician, the cleaner, the painter, the heating fitter or the bricklayer - they all work for the customer and have to be scheduled efficiently. ClickTime supports crafts businesses in this process and combines job planning with professional time recording. Centrally planned and displayed on the employee's smartphone.
Our modern system enables the simple exchange of information that is integrated into ClickTime from third-party systems or read into other systems from ClickTime. This enables you to achieve greater efficiency and a secure exchange of data. We will be happy to advise you on the possibilities and useful areas of application.
We require your express consent for these to be displayed. You can find further information on this under data protection.
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